CubeVitational 2021 Preliminary Rounds
(672 Card Cube)
CubeVitational 2021 Preliminary Rounds
Art by Stephen DanieleArt by Stephen Daniele
672 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube5 followers
Designed by Arjan
Mana Pool$2841.68

I've started this cube in 2012 after enjoying drafting Innistrad so much. The cube started as somewhat of a Innistrad cube. During the following years I kept on changing the cube although some of the Innistrad DNA remained (Graveyard synergies and zombies). The cube isn't powered and supports several archetypes like Storm, Mill and Zombies. From 2018 onward I joined Thomas Krone with my cube for the CubeVitational. A cubetournament in Amsterdam with qualifiers whole year and a final tournament for 32 cube enthusiasts!

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