Outlaws of Thunder Junction Retail
(664 Card Cube)
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Retail
Cube ID
Art by Eduardo FranciscoArt by Eduardo Francisco
664 Card Set Cube0 followers
Designed by zachcoleslaw
Mana Pool$275.20

This is a draft sim of OTJ designed for eight (8) players but with seeded packs to add variety similar to a box. Packs are seeded by rarity to be similar to draft packs (8/3/1/Land/Breaking News/Random) where the “Random” slot is made up of everything remaining from the main and maybeboard. Bonus sheets include OTP, SPG, BIG, and OTC (which wasnt available in play boosters but putting tower winder in cube is hilarious).

Full-Art Lands Collected:
4 Plains, 4 Island, 3 Swamp, 5 Mountain, 4 Forest

Mainboard Changelist+0, -0
Christopher Moeller
MTZBerlin -

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