Welcome voters, to my Constructed Cube!
Before we get started, this cube is inspired by a Ryan Saxe tweet I came across and saw his Constructed Cube. I'd also like to thank Maramas in the WCC discord for sharing their style guide for the primer.
While looking at Ryan's cube and iterating on this cube(this started in June 2022), I came to a few revelations(at least to me) about what I liked and didn't like about cube and drafting in general:
I love Pyromancer Ascension, but it asks you to have multiples of a lot of cards, not just it. This means you can't play it in a large amount cubes.
Aether Vial is an amazing card, which runs straight into problem #1, it's a build around card. At this point we have at least 15ish cards breaking the singleton rule, let's go all in.
These cards all, for different reasons, all play into not wanting to run playsets. Stoneforge Mystic wants a tool box of equipment to fetch and cheat into play. Collector Ouphe is an amazing sideboard bullet, but not something you would want four of. Jace, the Mindsculptor is legendary and a finisher, much like like the Ouphe, you don't always want to play a playset. I don't want a ton situations where you are picking a card to play one or two. To solve this I introduce you to, Utility Packets! Instead of a playset of cards, you get an assortment of cards that share some quality. For example in the Shadowspear slot, you get a Shadowspear, a Kaldra Compleat, a Batterskull and a Umezawa's Jitte, for the real Death & Taxes experience. These will be labeled in the team bag so you know what you are drafting, and packets are tagged in CubeCobra, with the contents of the packet in the notes of the card.
Once we established you are drafting a playset per pick, we can start looking at what cards are going to be in this cube. This is where the love of bad decks comes in. First we start with cards that are better, but not Lightning Bolt level obvious in multiples.
Now that we have the tone set, like's break down some of the combos and decks I took inspiration from.
Genuinely, my choice for most important mechanic ever. It codified a childlike wonder of counting as high as you can and doing as many things as you can. We got all the flavors here and they are here to brew with you.
Do you believe Magic is a Zero Sum Game? I have got good news for you my friend. From Hatebears to Stompy, to good old fashioned D&T, you can grind the game to halt and turn the corner with beaters.
It's not just a single flavor of aggro, we've got blitz decks,tempo decks, landfall decks, burn decks, a lot of different ways to hit your opponent in the face quickly.
Do you like midrange? Do you like trading 1 for 1 with efficient cards and grinding your opponent out? Jund isn't a color combination, it's a state of mind.
Graveyards can be useful for so many things. I've tried to add in multiple ways to interact with that zone, from the ultra fair, to the decidedly less fair.
Banned Cards
I talked about not formats suffering when you have the perfectly tuned deck. It's going to hard to do that here where there are limited answers and high demand. So let's get some broken cards to play with!
In Summation
This is by no means all of the things this cube can do, it's really a sandbox for you to make decks like you did learning the game, seeing a card and thinking, that looks awesome.
Please reach out if you have questions, comments, or just want to say hi!
Be excellent to each other,