Common Combo Cube
(348 Card Cube)
Common Combo Cube
Cube ID
Art by Jason RainvilleArt by Jason Rainville
348 Card Pauper Legacy Cube1 follower
Designed by FiniteMTG
Mana Pool$127.49

The hardest cube I've ever tried to build. I'll try to do a bit of writing about some cards and combos, but I will certainly miss a bunch of them. Organization will happen over time.

The cube is composed of two kinds of combos: infinite combos and powerful synergies. The synergies should be more straightforward to recognize, whereas infinite combos all contain 3+ cards and much less familiar.

g Presence of Gond + Devoted Druid + Ivy Lane Denizen/Sigil of the Nayan Gods

g Pili-Pala + Presence of Gond + Ashnod's Altar

Persist Enabler + Persister + Sac Outlet + (ETB Payoff or Dies Payoff)

Creature Untapper + Creature Tapper + Tap/Untap Payoff

ur Banishing Knack/Retraction Helix + Knack/Helix Target + Free Artifact + (Noncreature Payoff or Nettle Drone)

rw Tethmos High Priest + Recastable Aura + Sacrifices for RR + (Noncreature Payoff or ETB Payoff or Dies Payoff or Fuming Effigy)

Sacrifices for RR = Multiple Goblin Producer + R Sacrifice Outlet

gu Creature Untapper + Multiple Mana Producer + Mana Payoff

Multiple G Producer + Mana Filterer = Multiple Mana Producer = (Land Untapper or Land Animator) + (Bounceland or Additional Land Mana).

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