What can be best described as un(der)-powered medium sized cube with emphasize on testing cards before dismissing them completely. The cube is drafted/played multiple time per week mostly by two players via October-drafting, Grid-drafting, Winchester or Triple-sealed and occasionally with more players. Most if not all changes, evaluations of playtesting and updates will be written about in blogposts and articles.
Two color decks are the easiest to come together, although there’s enough fixing for splashes/3 color decks.
Certain colors gravitate to certain major strategies with two primary colors and a secondary color (that being said all colors should be able to support these 4 major strategies)
Aggro: White,
Red and
Midrange: Green,
Red and
Control: Blue,
Black and
Tempo: Represented in all colors, usually mixed with Blue
Besides these broad strokes there are some specific archetypes enabled in the following colors
Aristocrats: supported in all colors of the Rakdos colorpair
Tokens: White,
Green and support in
Spells matter: Blue and
Reanimate: Black and support in
Red and
Ramp: Green and support in
colorless and
Artifacts matter: support in Blue,
Red for value
Flicker: enables in White and
Azorius payoff in all colors
Death&Taxes: supported mainly in White and the
Orzhov colorpair
Other: smaller archetypes are found within each colorpair just be on the lookout for fun things to build around
All basics provided with the cube are snow-covered lands.
Sheoldred is leaving the cube. The raw powerlevel of the card, the powerlevel compared to the rest of the cube and the popularity of this cards outside of cube made this card a no-brainer pick almost all the times it showed up.
While the card usually immediately ate a removal spell and didn't always have that much of an impact... the moments it got to stuck around or in certain matchups it felt a special kind of miserable to play against it. Something we don't want to have with this enviroment.
We also wanted to swap out Gutterbones for Cult Conscript. The alternative was just adding it alongside, but we're good on the amount of small recursive one-drops in black.