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Power Vintage 360
(360 Card Cube)
Power Vintage 360
Art by Magali VilleneuveArt by Magali Villeneuve
360 Card Vintage Cube68 followers
Designed by coldbrewkale
Mana Pool$9856.49

Welcome to the Power Vintage 360 Cube!

Introduction & Design Goals
Whether you’re doing some preliminary research for a riveting event at my house or stumbled across my page while creating your own cube, the following wall of text will tell you all you could want to know about my cube design!

The goal of this cube is to allow players to play any kind of deck they want in an extremely powerful environment. When curating cards, I consider both archetype support and raw power. More enfranchised players will be rewarded if they understand archetypes and card synergies, but it is also possible for less active players to smash things together and pilot “good stuff” decks. Ideally, I want players to feel as though their deck is competitive, play interactive games, and also have “story” moments whether they win or lose.

I don't ban any cards due to power, however I have some restrictions in place due to both personal preference and in consideration of gameplay:

1. No Double Sided Cards
This was a tough restriction for me, because there are some awesome double sided cards that I’d love to include. (My first FNM deck was Werewolf Tribal, so they’ll always have a special place in my heart.) That being said, I decided against them in this cube. This is mainly due to the practical element of not wanting players sleeving and unsleeving my cards. Additionally, I found that they tend to slow down the pace of the game. Since many of the people who play my cube are fairly casual, having to unsleeve cards to know what both sides do while drafting / playing causes more of a slog than I’d like.

2. Broken Cards Shouldn’t Durdle
There are a lot of unfair and broken cards and combos in this cube. Although games all vary in length, I want broken cards to be capable of ending the game quickly. That way people can enjoy playing with maximum power and opponents won’t have to suffer a long and boring death. There are some cards and combos (Time Vault + Voltaic Key) that I considered due to their power, but decided to omit because of the miserable play pattern. I've decided to limit special card types like conspiracies, planes, etc., but make exception for (The Monarch) and (Undercity) because they match the cube's power level and encourage combat which helps games progress faster.

This cube supports a balance of all four strategies in Magic, which are: Aggro, Midrange, Control, and Combo. I did my best to support each color and archetype so that any strategy could be played, there is an answer to every threat, and there isn’t one “best” strategy to use. I was going to write a comprehensive primer for how to draft each strategy, however LSV made this article about archetypes that I’ll direct players to instead. The cards he references don’t have a 100% crossover, but it’s close enough to let players know just about everything they could want.

House Rules:

  1. Ante is relevant in my cube due to my inclusion of Contract from Below. If you lose the Ante, the relevant card goes into your opponent's sideboard. (I once played Reanimator and lost Archon of Cruelty this way. Rightly, no one felt bad for me.)

  2. Whenever I play with 4 or more people, the winner gets to immortalize themselves by signing and dating any one token of their choice.

My cube is stored in an Aaron Cain Leopardwood / Maple Cube Casket.

All cards are kept in Dragon Shield Matte Sleeves; black for the main deck, purple for tokens. They’re also protected with Dragon Shield Perfect Fit Sealable Sleeves in case my cube ever needs to be submerged.

My goal is for all cards to be foil eventually. I don’t have a single preference for art choice and just opt for whatever I think is the coolest. Most cards are legitimate, however some extremely rare and expensive ones are high quality counterfeits from Etsy proxies of cards I own in storage.

Basic lands are also singleton. I limit it to 40 lands for each type and rotate in cards from new sets based on whatever art I like most.

Dice: D6 dice are primarily Chessex Brand Bright Green w/ Black. Guests are allowed to take a D6 if they leave one of theirs behind to replace it, so that they can have a little bit of me and I a little bit of them. I have 8 D20s to choose from, which are from: Fire & Lightning, Graveborn, Legends, Realms, Twenty, Annihilation, Angels, Lore, and Transform.

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