Commander cube v3.20
(515 Card Cube)
Commander cube v3.20
Cube ID
Art by Jana Schirmer & Johannes VossArt by Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss
515 Card Commander Unpowered Vintage Cube9 followers
Designed by Izanamii
Mana Pool$2983.69
Traditional Draft
  • Draft 5 packs of 14 (4 person draft)
  • Draft 4 packs of 16 (8 player draft)
  • A commander is picked during the draft, if not, you can use sphinx of the guildpact
  • Draft is done two picks at a time instead of one.
Grid draft
  • Grid draft 24 packs of 9 (2 person draft)
  • Grid draft 24 packs of 16 (3 person draft)
Deckbuilding and color identity rules
  • Color identity rules are changed: Play whatever cards you want with any commander. There are no restrictions.
    (The reason for this is that it's impossible to draft the open lane without knowing whether you'll actually find a commander for it or not)
  • Construct decks minimum 60 cards including commander(s)
  • The cube is designed to be played in 1v1 at 25 life best of 3 matches but up to four players is supported for traditional EDH lovers.
  • Commander tax and damage are the same
  • r RDW
  • w White weenie
  • u-w Blink
  • u-b Reanimator
  • r-b Burn
  • g-r Stompy
  • w-g Tempo
  • w-b Death and taxes
  • g-b Aristocrats
  • u-g Big mana
  • u-r Spells tempo
  • r-w Equipment/aggro
  • wubrg Live the dream
Draft guide

The cube is drafted with commanders shuffled into the packs, and is meant to be drafted like a normal cube, find the open lane and draft a synergistic deck around the archetype you find, picking cards 2 at a time. Then at some point during the draft finding a commander that compliments your deck. No color identity restriction helps achieve this.

Power level

This cube is designed for a legacy power level but is made slower with 60 card decks for more variation and less combos. The format is also slower than legacy cube because of the extra 5 starting life at 25.

Most big threats are represented in the cube with the proper amount of removal to threat ratio to keep things in check.

I've avoided adding turn 0-1 fast mana like moxen and sol ring/crypt so that broken interactions won't happen until people are likely to have answers.

Reasoning and probability

The size and number of packs drafted are calculated in relation to having enough playables to build a good 60 card deck, while also being able to find a commander.

The reason the draft is drafted 2 cards at a time is so that each pack will only fully wheel 1 time. Also so that it's easier to pick more synergistic cards for a deck, as well as making it easier to read what lanes are open and closed, since you can cut an archetype from a pack in one or two pairs of picks.

I've put around 5-7 commanders of each archetype into the cube, making the chance that you find 1 or more commanders in an archetype in a 4 player draft at 4x16 (sees 280 cards) 97.46% - 99.43%. And an even higher chance during an 8 player draft where you see almost the entire cube.

Archetype guide
u-w Blink Enablers u-w

u-w Blink Payoffs u-w

The blink archetype consists of two catagories: Enablers: Which do the blink or flicker action, and payoffs: Which are creatures with good ETB effects to gain repeatable value off of.

u-b Reanimator Enablers u-b

u-b Reanimator Payoffs u-b

Reanimator works by using blue's looting outlets and black's graveyard synergy in order to set up to reanimate a big creature like griselbrand to close out the game.

r-b Burn r-b

The rakdos burn archetype leverages fast damage and hand disruption over traditional burn to keep the opponent locked down

g-r Stompy Enablers g-r

Stompy is creature based aggro. The archetype looks to leverage fast creatures and massive burst damage in the form of cheat spells and hasty dragons to take the game very quickly.

w-g Tempo w-g

The tempo archetype is a pile of good value cards combined with efficient creatures and removal.

b-w Death and taxes b-w

This archetype gains a steady stream of life to outlast their opponents, the life is then paid as a resource with the payoff cards to close out the game.

g-b Aristocrats Enablers g-b

g-b Aristocrats Payoffs g-b

Aristocrats is all about sacrificing creatures to get value off of the death triggers to draw cards, wipe opponents boards, and more.

u-g Big mana Enablers u-g

u-g Big mana Payoffs u-g

This archetype is simple, make a ton of mana using traditional ramp, and then drop bombs while using the utility of blue to keep your plan ensured.

u-r Spells u-r

This archetype wins through a tempo strategy using counterspells, cantrips, and burn to win out with creature payoffs in the command zone and in the deck.

r-w Equipment Enablers r-w

Equipment is an archetype that uses durable creatures with good effects and puts equipment on them to keep them relevant in the late game.

Live the dream

w u b r g

Play everything the timmy in you wants to play, now enabled by golos!

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