(450 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Tommy ArnoldArt by Tommy Arnold
450 Card Peasant Unpowered Budget Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by FindetClemo
Mana Pool$183.21

Welcome to ClemoCube.

This Cube started as a pile of bad commons and uncommons I happened to own and slowly transformed into a pile of (mostly) good commons and uncommons. It's a passion-project of mine since the the day I started it and I hope you will enjoy it. Go have a look for yourself! :)

The Parameters:

  • 450 Cards (supports 10 Players)
  • peasant cardpool (only commons and uncommons - with at least 1 printing at that rarity)
  • unpowered
  • cards from across magics history
  • sigents
  • rare lands
  • values individual power just as high as synergy
  • cards from across magics history reaching from alpha all the way to march of the machine

Below you can find some of the directions you could go with your draft...


wg +1/+1 and Tokens


br Aggro and Sacrifice


wb Drain and Tokens


rg Go Big and Stompy


ub Elusive and Reanimate


wu Flicker and Flying


wr Beatdown and Aura/Equip


ur Spellslinger and Elusive


bg Graveyard and Sacrifice


ug Value Engine and Go Big

Maybeboard Changelist+0, -0
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