Choose Your Class
(403 Card Cube)
Choose Your Class
Cube ID
Art by Zoltan BorosArt by Zoltan Boros
403 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by DocOckham
Mana Pool$3607.26

Each player's deck is like a character.
--Richard Garfield

Choose Your Class: Format

After drafting, each player chooses a class card.

Your class card will always be available to you without having to draw it. It starts on the table (but not in play) in the class zone. You may play it from the class zone as if it were in your hand. If your class card would be removed from the battlefield, you may move it to the class zone instead. Any level progress is lost.

All classes are available to all players; multiple players can choose the same class. Class cards won't be drafted -- only selected after draft -- so there are no class cards in the cube's list. When playtesting here, you can find the class cards in the basic land section.

Class cards function like commanders, but we're not using the other aspects of Commander format. Choose Your Class is designed for 1v1 play; classes do not impose any color restrictions on decks; players start with 20 life; and the cost of playing class cards does not increase if they are cast multiple times.

Design Principles
  1. Most of the class cards should be viable and as balanced as possible. They should have an important role in gameplay and an important influence on draft decisions.
  2. Well-drafted decks should feel powerful. The draft experience should be non-linear, and there should be a wide variety of ways to build a successful deck.
  3. I try to include cards with strong D&D flavor as long as they are playable and don't detract from the above goals. You will notice lots of MTG spells that also exist in D&D.
Class Rebalancing

When playing with one of the uncommon class cards (Cleric Class, Druid Class, Warlock Class, Wizard Class) or Rogue Class, the class card starts out in play instead of in the class zone.

The Classes Notes
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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