Stolen Pauper
(450 Card Cube)
Stolen Pauper
Art by Mike KimbleArt by Mike Kimble
450 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by chiggy2112
Mana Pool$135.73

Cloned from The Pauper Cube

The official list for Formerly maintained by Adam Styborski and now curated by a committee and the community
surrounding it.

2 Color archetype goals are as follows
WU - Flicker
UB - Control
BR - Aggro (aristocrats subtheme)
RG - Caveman aggro/4 Drops
GW - +1/+1 counters
WB - Midrange
UR - Tempo/Counterburn
BG - Recursive Midrange
RW - Go wide Aggro
GU - Tempo

There is also a discord for discussing the cube and making suggestions

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