The Constructed Cube (Vintage 540)
(540 Card Cube)
The Constructed Cube (Vintage 540)
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
540 Card Cube15 followers
Designed by Heisenb3rg
Mana Pool$8280.26

Welcome to the Constructed Cube!
The theme of this cube is similar to the MTGO vintage cube with a small twist. Duplicates are allowed in this cube and the cube is tilted to feel closer to constructed gameplay.

Noteable differences from traditional vintage cubes:

-Duplicate archetype support - sneak attack, splinter twin, fastbond, emrakul, zuran orb, lion's eye diamond, underworld breach, ephemerate (and more)
-High powered. Nothing is banned for power level. Monarch, initiative, time vault are all draftable.
-Asymmetrical color/guild sections. Focus is on archetype balance rather than color balance.

Supported Archetypes:

  • Lands (Zuran orb combos, dark depths) , Artifacts, Reanimator, Sneak & show, Blink (Arcane savant infinite turns), Storm, Monolith infinite mana, Splinter Twin, Draw 7 combo, Natural order green, Channel

  • Generic Agro/Midrange/Control/Ramp

Card Legality:

-Vintage+ legal
-Unsets are legal, but we only allow a few cards that feel most like cards you'd see in constructed.
-One house rule card. Chaos orb is 1: Destroy target permanent (A common old school cube rule)


As diversity of card types makes for a fun drafting experience, I've been mindful to limit the duplicates only to a handful of cards that improve the cubing experience.

The two most noteable "types" of cards that I support with duplicates are archetype defining cards and fetch lands.

Archetype Cards:

I believe drafting decks with a theme/synergy is generally more fun than drafting a pile of good cards. I think people that take a risk in the draft, should be rewarded with more powerful decks when their synergy comes together.
In most cubes, the risk/reward for drafting combo decks is generally not worth it compared to drafting a pile of cheap, aggressively slanted cards.
One of my goals with the duplicates is to give more juice to combo decks I find interesting to play and draft. I believe many of them lack the necessary support to make them competitive with the highest tier of decks in other cubes.
Their best possible incarnation is very powerful, but that version doesn't come together often enough to justify the risk.

By doubling up on key archetype cards instead of supporting many on theme narrow/parasitic cards, it increases the available cube real estate for other archetypes while increasing the power of the combo decks overall.

I want aggressive/midrange strategies to be common place, but given their relative ease of drafting and simplicity of gameplay, I don't want them to be the most dominant strategy. While they are still probably the easiest route to a high winrate, they are more balanced than in some cubes I've seen. (while still including all the most broken cards)

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