Cloned from Totally Uncommon Cube
It goes without saying that, as a cube curator, I am a fan of draft formats.
Here in this cube I've focused on the aspects of in-store booster draft that brings me back to a set over and over again - drafting around high-synergy uncommons. In fact, the defining restriction of the cube is just that - every card here has been printed at uncommon at some point (with a couple of exceptions) Additionally, many cards have been included in this cube over their strictly better alternatives because of the focus on synergy.
The cube's goals take inspiration from several aspects of booster draft:
With all that said, what are the major synergies in the cube?
There are several key synergies that span over several archetypes. They are: "Artifacts matter", "Modify creatures", and "graveyard as a resource". Though several colours approach these strategies in different ways (and not every colour includes equal amounts of support for them) there should be enough in there to get variations on these in many different flavors.
The major themes in each colour pair are split into 2 basic versions of the deck. Each version will be skewed to a different speed:
+1/+1 counters: Go wide or go tall.
Discard: looters matter vs cheat reanimation
magecraft - cheap spells matter/prowess vs spells-in-yard
artifacts: animate baubles or recurring value
graveyard: reanimation or self-mill for value
big power: Modified creatures and ramp
enchantress: heroic auras or cast for value
sacrifice: treasure or creatures
lifegain: steady drain or gain-for-value
go-wide: overwhelming tokens or team pump effects
Some examples of showcase cards that come together every few drafts includes
Hope you enjoy drafting it! Would love feedback should anyone have that kind of time or dedication.