This is a pioneer limited cube that has been constructed based from good cards/deck architypes from pioneer legal draft formats. Some rares/mythic rares have been added after carefully consideration for their power level and for build arounds.
Draft Guide:
White Blue ETB
Draft Permanent that generate value then flicker and bounce them to recast for more value.
Key cards: Illusionist's Stratagem, Felidar Guardian, Shipwreck Dowser
White Black life gain
Draft a midrange strategy highly valuing spells that gain life that trigger your creatures.
Key cards: Cleric Class, Ajani's Pridemate, Indulging Patrician
White Red Equipment
Draft an aggressive equipment deck that can cheat on equipment costs to overwhelm your opponent.
Key cards: Hexgold Hoverwings, Bruenor Battlehammer, Resolute Strike, Colossus Hammer
White Green +1/+1 Counters
Draft creatures that synergise with +1/+1 counters getting larger over time.
Key cards: Abzan Falconer, Conclave Mentor, Ridgescale Tusker
Blue Black draw and discard
Draft a tempo or control style deck that loots through for value, don't be afraid to splash 3, 4 or even 5 colours.
Key cards: Drake haven, Containment Construct, Collector's Vault, Ovalchase Daredevil
Blue Red spells
Cast various non-creature spells to cantrip through your deck and out tempo your opponent while making use of the instants and sorceries in your graveyard.
Key cards: Rise from the tides, Crackling drake, Beacon Bolt
Blue Green ramp
Draft a deck that quickly ramps you to cast high costing spells and have additional effects for lands entering the battlefield. (Elementals are important in some drafts)
Key cards: Zendikar's roil, Risen Reef, Elvish Rejuvenator
Black Red sacrifice
Draft a deck of cheap creatures and artifacts that you can sacrifice for value or gain control of your opponents creatures to sacrifice as well.
Key cards: Mayhem Devil, Morbid Opportunist, Witch's Oven, Cauldron Familiar
Black Green graveyard
Fill your graveyard to gain various ways to utilise it to grind your opponent out.
Key cards: Vessel of Nascency, Urborg Repossession, Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Red Green Stompy
Draft a creature aggro deck that cares about having power and trample among creatures you control.
Key cards: Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma, Cactusfolk Sureshot, Ram Through
5 Colour Domain
Draft lands with basic land type to splash any strong spells and strengthen others.
Key cards: Jodah's Codex, Buried in the Garden, Meria's Outrider
Artifact and Enchantment matters (Any combination of Black White Blue Red supported most)
There are various decks that are supported by having large amounts of artefacts and enchantments in your decks on top of the supported archetype.
Key cards: Springleaf Drum Naomi, Pillar of Order, Roadside Reliquary, Ensoul Artifact, Michiko's Reign of Truth, Master's Guide-Mural, Oni-Cult Anvil, Hidden Stockpile, Shambling Suit
Splashing 3-4 colours
Splashing is supported often helping the theme of 2 colours that you are mainly in.