Precon Cube 4.0
(770 Card Cube)
Art by Douglas ShulerArt by Douglas Shuler
770 Card Premodern Cube0 followers
Designed by beatsandskies
Mana Pool$254.57

Trying to put together something to give the kinda vibe of old theme decks, using the cards from old theme decks. Easy, huh? Not so much: this is my 4th variant that I'm trying. This time I'm creating a wedge from 5 different blocks, which is made up from two allied colour precons from that block, as well as the enemy colour one which connects them. For example The Spikes (RG), The Swarm (GW) and The White Heat (WR) from Rath block. This means that each allied colour pair will be seeded with two decks from different blocks. I'll then curate things from there. (This version is the raw card pool)

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