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Camel Cube
(490 Card Cube)
Camel Cube
Cube ID
Art by Joseph MeehanArt by Joseph Meehan
490 Card Silver-bordered Set Cube2 followers
Designed by skinken
Mana Pool$2644.55

In this cube, you don't just get basics for free. Instead there is a currency you can use to buy basics among other things at the end of the draft. Currently the currency is Camels, but this might be subject to change in the the future.
You can use currency to buy the following cards:

0: Wastes
1: Plains, Swamp or Mountain
1: Curious Killbot
1: Hired Blade, Hired Poisoner or Hired Torturer
5: Sol Ring

Notably, the currency cards can also be played in your deck like any other, and you may include any number of them in your deck.

Pack Dropping

There is also another way to get Camels. Instead of drafting a card from a pack you can "drop out" of the pack to receive an amount of camels equal to the pack size minus the number of cards you drafted this round. When you drop out this way, your pack stays in the draft and is passed as if you just skipped a pick. For the rest of this pack you cannot pick cards from packs. You may still look at packs as they go by. You only drop out of one pack and draft like normal when everyone finish their packs.
This does mean

Commander Mechanic

The cube features cards that reference your commander. This is not a commander cube, but any creature with "Commander" in the name
counts as a commander. Additionally Daretti, Scrap Savant is a commander, as per the rules text, and so is any other cards stating so.


w Camels
r-w Vehicles
rb Dragons
wr-b Manlands
c Artifacts
c Colorless

rw Prowess?

Buildaround cards
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