Cloned from The BUG Sammich!
Welcome to my cube! This cube is made of cards that represent many of my favorite ways to play magic using what I consider to be the best colors in magic! This cube is a celebration of the strengths and themes of this part of the color pie. Some main points for this cube:
See below for examples of some of the included archetypes. Some of the supported archetypes are:
Self Mill - Utilize dredge spells to draw and discard to churn through your library as quickly as possible and try to win with the Laboratory Maniac, this archetype plays well with the many delve spells in the cube (i.e.,Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, and Murktide Regent).
Sacrifice Matters - Utilize small recursive utility creatures or creature tokens to create extra value through their ETB and LTB effects.
Discard value - The cube has many discard outlets that allow you to take advantage of cards with Cycling, Madness, Flashback, Scavenge, Retrace, Embalm, Eternalize and Dredge to create extra value over the course of the game.
Pod - Create tons of value by drafting decks with pod chains of creatures with ETBs. This archetype plays very well with re-animator and sacrifice decks as it helps to fill the graveyard with targets and triggers LTB and ETB effects.
Re-Animator - Put a large threat into your yard and use one of several dedicated reanimation spells to bring it back. For the health of this cube, I did slow down the reanimation spells, spells like Reanimate and Recurring Nightmare are too fast and powerful for a cube at this flatter power level. I decided to use threats that could put themselves in the yard as a way to make this archetype more appealing while keeping the power level lower.
Lands Matter - This archetype uses putting lands into play from both hand and graveyard to generate value over the course of the game.
Hate Cards - Normally I would not include specific hate cards, in this case for the graveyard, but I felt it was needed to make some of the decks a little uncomfortable but still be able to function. Most of the graveyard hate removes cards one at at time with the with the best one being Endurance as it's an ETB but it doesn't exile the yard.
Please feel free to comment with feedback and constructive criticism. The cube is constantly being updated and re-worked as we draft it. Thanks for reading!!