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The Power of Prophecy Cube v2.0
(366 Card Cube)
The Power of Prophecy Cube v2.0
Art by rk postArt by rk post
366 Card Unpowered Set Cube0 followers
Designed by beatsandskies
Mana Pool$334.27

Cloned from The Power of Prophecy Cube

Prophecy was a cool set, and I will die on this hill. It was also a weird set, but that's fine. This consequently is a weird cube build around all the dreadful untapped land matters stuff. Who knows why the designers choose to focus on that as a theme for the set, but if you try to play these cards in the proper environment then I feel they can be quite interesting. That was the intent behind this in any case.

Non-singleton: I’m not really trying to replicate an actual Masques block draft experience since things are obviously skewed towards one set. But all players deserve the option to play Slit Crawlers so naturally this necessitates there being a few of them.

Mana burn is real. Citadel of Pain lives again.


This was my first real attempt at designing a cube and I've gone on to do a couple others that I'm much happier with. But I guess that doing something focusing on Prophecy is definitely my baby so I wanted to basically start fresh with a "set cube" rarity ratio of cards solely from PCY and then start adding in Masques and Nemesis cards - and maybe even some lands from outside the block too? (I'm thinking the Tempest ones as sometimes them not untapping for a turn might actually be a good thing?)

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