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Modern Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Modern Cube
Cube ID
Art by Magali VilleneuveArt by Magali Villeneuve
360 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by Zubat
Mana Pool$2150.39
Welcome to the Modern Cube

Number of supported Players: 2 - 8
Size: 360
Powerlevel: High
Format Speed: Fast
Complexity: Medium

The goal of the Modern Cube is to provide a fast-paced high powerlevel interactive environment with high archetypical diversity while being also accessible for new players. Special attention was paid to making the format also work well for draft with a small number of players or sealed.

Design Rules:

  • Low number of gold cards to decrease the number of narrow cards
  • Omission of very complex mechanics (Monarch, Dungeons, ...)
  • Omission of cards with commander specific text (Partner, Background, ...)
  • Omission of multiplayer-focussed mechanics (Will of the Council, Goad, ...)
  • Omission of unfun cards (Oko, Jitte, ...)
  • Omission of uninteractive cards (Hexdrinker, True-Name Nemesis, ...)
  • Low number of double-faced cards
Maybeboard Changelist+0, -1
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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