This is a twobert, a cube designed to be drafted by 2 or 4 players. It's composed solely of "bulk rare" cards I have in my collection: only cards with a rarity of rare or higher--including special slots, such as playtest or timeshifted cards--and a price under $6. (I've cheated on the cost restriction a bit for the Pathway lands, since they're close to the price and do a good job of fixing without making "goodstuff" decks significantly easier to play.)
4 Players: 5 packs of 9 cards each for each player. Alternate passing direction for each pack.
2 Players: Minneapolis Draft:
The archetypes are fairly loose, tending to be payoffs for certain combinations rather than linear strategies. That's not to say that decks should just be "goodstuff" piles--there are certainly benefits to finding synergies and the gold cards incentivize certain builds.