I love synergy decks, and the primary design goal of this cube is to create an environment where heavy synergy decks can thrive where they often fall short in constructed or retail limited. The budget (no more than around $3 per card) sets a rough constraint on the power level, and a card like Skinrender should be powerful while not dominant on rate. There is a heavy focus on synergies associated with the 10 color pairs; however, you'll see flexible cards that can be synergistic pieces for multiple archetypes, which should allow players to mix and match archetypes and pivot from one lane to another. To support these synergy decks, the removal density is fairly low, and players may have to make difficult decisions in game of which threats to prioritize removing.

: Blink
This deck will often play cheap creatures to stay alive while assembling an engine of repeatable blink to drown the opponent in value. The creatures with powerful ETBs like
Master Splicer and especially
Captain of the Watch really make this deck tick.


: Sacrifice
This deck can come in more aggressive or controlling forms, but the core components generally include ways to generate multiple creatures and a way to sacrifice them repeatably. A common way to win is by slowly draining out your opponent with a card like
Blood Artist or
Vermin Gorger.
Havoc Jester is a lot more powerful than it looks!

: Go-wide aggro
This deck will get on the board quickly, generate tokens, and kill your opponent quickly with some sort of anthem effect.


: +1/+1 counters
Often a pretty aggressive deck, you'll build up your board using +1/+1 counter synergies before ending the game in a big attack. Watch out for what your synergy cards actually care about;
Herd Baloth requires cards like
Elusive Otter to actually put counters on it while
Cloudfin Raptor enables
Armorcraft Judge just fine.

: Graveyard/spell synergy
The most nebulous archetype in the cube, this deck often will combine black interaction with cards like
Ethereal Forager and
Deep Analysis to get value out of your graveyard. Looting effects work especially well here to enable cards like that, and as a result
Drake Haven can be a powerful buildaround.

: Self-mill
This color pair is full of cards that dump cards into your graveyard and cards that gain value from being there, as well as cards that pay you off for having a big graveyard. Many of those cards specifically care about creature cards being in your graveyard, so make sure your creature count is high enough to enable them.

: Spellslinger
For people who like casting lots of cheap spells and causing lots of triggers to go on the stack as a result.

: Madness/discard synergy
One of the faster decks in the cube, this deck can end games quickly with cards like
Anger while using cards like
Containment Construct to generate a constant stream of card advantage.