This is a budget alternative of my Peasant Cube (2023) with the following cards taken out:
Thanks for checking out my Peasant Cube! It's been a labour of love creating this Commons and Uncommons-only Cube. This Cube hits a lot of nostalgia coupled with power of some older cards such as Force of Will. It's also a Cube full of Uncommon Mythics and Limited All-Stars from releases past, so no doubt you'll have some fond (or not-so-fond!) memories with some of these cards.
Want to see the Peasant Cube in action? You can do so over on YouTube (, where the Cube was featured on Tolarian Community College's Shuffle Up and Play!
Peasant Cube Banlist 2024 |
Arabian Nights U2's |
Sol Ring |
Skullclamp |
Mana Drain |
Palace Jailer |
Library of Alexandria |
Narset, Parter of Veils |
Peasant Cube Watchlist 2024 |
Gut, True Soul Zealot |
Propaganda |
Careful Study |
No More Lies |
Sacrifice-matters cards (Lampad of Death's Vigil, Bartolomé del Presidio, etc) |
Reanimator cards (Dance of the Dead, Necromancy, and Exhume) |
Yes, I know I've just added some of these to the Cube. But wanted to try them out to see how they fare in the Cube environment.
Azorius decks in the Peasant+ Cube usually comes in a few different flavors. Control decks built with this color combination tend to use Blue counter spells (Force of Will, Mana Leak, etc.) and card draw coupled with White removal to control the board and slow the opponent down, then win with a large creature. Azorius decks can also utilize blink effects (Momentary Blink, Ephemerate, etc.) effects to reuse enter the battlefield effects to gain incremental advantage over the opponent.
Dimir decks tend to focus on two avenues: Control and Midrange. Dimir Control decks differ from Azorius ones in that they tend to play fewer creatures and focus more on instant speed interaction and removal. Same can be said for Midrange, where Blue often utilize looting effects where sometimes, you can loot away a big threat and reanimate it as part of a back-up plan.
Rakdos archetypes usually utilize sacrifice effects to gain advantage. They can also take more of a midrange slant utilizing Black and Red removal spells to control the board. Sacrifice archetypes are very flexible in this Cube, where you can draft Orzhov, Golgari, Jund (with a light splash), or Mardu (also with a light splash) also.
Gruul archetypes typically utilize mana acceleration to play bigger threats ahead of schedule, you can also create an aggressive Gruul strategy (especially if you like the idea of an early lunch!). Typically speaking, Gruul Aggro tends to be slower compared to Boros but trade speed for taller and more compelling threats.
Selesnya falls into two different strategies in this Cube - Aggro and Counters. Selesnya Aggro isn't as quick compared to Boros or even Gruul, but are able to go wide and tall due to the use of Tokens and +1/+1 Counters. In addition, Golgari (and Abzan) Counters is also an available strategy due to Winding Constrictor.
As mentioned earlier, Orzhov offers a solid sacrifice strategy but also a Midrange-style build by utilizing interaction and value cards such as Gonti, Lord of Luxury. With the addition of Lingering Souls and Intangible Virtue, Orzhov Tokens is also viable.
As on-theme with many Izzet archetypes over the years, Izzet tends to fall into a Spellslinger-style strategy but there's an opportunity to draft Control or Midrange also. Similar to Dimir Control, Izzet Control uses Red removal and Blue countermagic to support the game plan. Blue also utilizes a bunch of "Control Magic-style" effects such as Confiscate, where you can take control of the opponent's permanents to use as and advantage.
Golgari often falls into Midrange (aka, The Rock) where you utilize efficient Black removal and cheap threats. As mentioned earlier, there's a Counter and Sacrifice strategies you can Draft in this Cube with signpost Uncommons in Ravenous Squirrel or Winding Constrictor.
The most aggressive pairing in the Cube is Boros, where the aim is to either go wide with tokens or simply curve-out with cheap and powerful threats.
Simic often aims to leverage mana and card advantage to overwhelm the opponent. Simic Ramp is a common strategy within this Cube, where you use a mixture of interaction, Blue counter magic, and Ramp to cheat bigger threats ahead of schedule, or to out-Tempo the opponent.
Outside of the aforementioned color pairings, there's a couple of archetypes that are worth considering when drafting this Peasant+ Cube. Walls is an noted archetype in this Cube, where you have access to High Alert and Assault Formation to use toughness to deal massive amounts of damage to the opponent. This falls usually into the Bant pairing, but can also be a win-condition in Azorius Control for example, if you have Wall of Denial, Mnemonic Wall, and/or Wall of Omens and a pay-off for these to attack.
While not wholly supported, there is a minor Mill game plan that could serve as an alternative win condition for a Blue-based Control archetypes. Coupled with cards such as Maze of Ith and Propaganda, it could be deadly against Mono-Color archetypes in the Cube.
And of course, Mono-Red Aggro (and Burn) are supported archetypes within the Cube. Given the nature of the Cube and how Commons and Uncommons don't always offer the best fixing, drafting a Mono-Color strategy is a solid approach if you want something streamlined.
Mono-White Aggro (also known as Weenie) is also well-supported in the Cube if you want to keep things aggressive, and can lightly splash for Boros cards such as Heroic Intervention or Frontier Warmonger, if needed. Also, you can comfortable draft a Mono-Color strategy of each color, such as Mono-Blue Control, Mono-Green Ramp, or even Mono-Black Control or even Aggro/value.
As mentioned earlier, there isn't a dedicated Reanimator archetype in the Cube even though there's a handful of reanimator spells. In many cases, these Reanimator spells are for value and to serve as a secondary strategy to support your primary gameplan. I wouldn't recommend sitting down to Draft this Cube and force Reanimator, because you are going to have a bad experience.