JumpStart BRO Tight
(114 Card Cube)
JumpStart BRO Tight
Cube ID
Art by Leon TukkerArt by Leon Tukker
114 Card Cube8 followers
Designed by DaveJudgment
Mana Pool$35.97

Taking the 10-ish themes from Brothers' War JumpStart release, and making a tight set of 5 half-decks to fit in with my "optimized" JumpStart 2020 Cube ( https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/jmp2020tight ).


  • 20 cards each, eight of which are lands
  • Use cards from the BRO JS decks (except for adding one Thriving land per theme for fixing)
  • Embrace the "tight" Jumpstart aesthetic by including three (3) rare/mythic cards in each deck: the exclusive one included with every deck, and two more that might have appeared in the decks at retail.
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