This cube is inspired by an era when I was playing the most Magic, and also a time where I felt WotC offered up some tremendous limited formats.
Triple RoE might be my favorite limited format, and I think many would agree. But if you played Alara just before that, you were also treated to a wonderful and unique format.
This cube is comprised of cards released Sept 2008-April 2013. The Alara, Zendikar, SoM, Innistrad, and RtR blocks, as well as Magic 2010-2013. I only included cards from those 19 sets, so no Planechase 2012 or Commander material.
F: What's the power level of this cube?
A: As of right now, the power level is two steps below a Modern cube. Modern has 15.7k legal cards, this cube is drawing from a pool of 3.6k cards. I also picked nostalgic favorites over objective power.
F: "As of right now?"
A: I might lower the power level closer to a normal limited format. That said, lowering the power level is an ambitious task, and may take some time.
F: There is a great M10 card that you're missing.
A: I tried to focus on the 5 blocks, with the core sets as duct tape. Red, for example, needed core set cards for competitive burn spells.
F: You have 10 fetchlands, but your time period only gives you 5.
A: This was the one exception I made, and I think it's justified. It wasn't about wanting specific fetchlands, but wanting the right ratio of fetchlands to cube size. The multicolor requirements in this cube are quite high, the Landfall mechanic is present, and also I want people to be able to cast their spells.