Braden's Pioneer Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Braden's Pioneer Cube
Art by Alayna DannerArt by Alayna Danner
360 Card Pioneer Cube3 followers
Designed by bradenoestreich
Mana Pool$1566.20

wu: Control
ub: Domination
br: Attrition
rg: Stompy
gw: Go-Wide
wb: Aristocrats
ur: Spellslinger
bg: Value
rw: Aggro
gu: Lands

Thanks to
  • TuesdayTastic's Pioneer Cube
  • The Professor's Cube videos at Tolarian Community College on YouTube
  • Melissa DeTora's cube construction article
  • My various in-person playgroups, including (but not limited to): Silas, Eddie, Camilla, Colton, Tyrin, Ian, and Sammy
  • Summer, my very patient partner who loves me in spite of never shutting up about this cube, and who constantly reminds me what Magic is really about: card art featuring cute animals or hot ladies
Mainboard Changelist+122, -122
Hey there!

At this point, I've had this cube built in paper for around a year, and I've been fortunate to have people who've been willing to play it both in-person and online. This gave me ample opportunities to observe how people were drafting. I wanted to take those insights and apply them, so I worked with my friend Silas, who graciously gave ten to twelve hours of his time reviewing the cube with me. Here's what we came up with.

  • Increase the presence of more blue-based and controlling archetypes
  • Give green players early-game options beyond ramp
  • Move Golgari away from something graveyard oriented to a more generic “value” archetype
  • Move Izzet towards a more dedicated spellslinger archetype
  • Review each card for impact on gameplay experience and assign the following tags to cards:
    • Core (cards that define the experience of the cube; likely to never be cut)
    • Plus (more good than bad)
    • Minus (more bad than good)
    • Cut (cards that have been unpopular or unsuccessful)
  • Rebuild the cube including all the Core cards, many of the Plus cards, some of the Minus cards, and none of the Cut cards
  • Fill in gaps based on the needs of the color and archetypes
Notable Changes:
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