This is a 2 player cube/battle box/duplicate sealed pool designed to offer players multiple build options within a single color.
Archtype include:
Go wide aggro
Big red control
Ideally players will each have their set of these cards and will build a deck out of their pools, however they can also draft decks using two player drafting rules.
One idea for a two player draft mode is called “Dibs”. Each player gets dealt 30 cards, looks at them and splits them into two piles of any size, a “Keep” Pile and a “Give” Pile. When both players are ready, they set aside their Keep piles and pass their Give piles. Repeat this process until one player reaches 30 cards in their keep pile. You can’t keep more than 30 cards and once you’ve placed a card in your Keep pile, it can’t be put back into the Give pile. The other player gets all of the remaining cards.