Tokens Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Tokens Cube
Art by Clint CearleyArt by Clint Cearley
360 Card Unpowered Legacy Cube10 followers
Designed by LuckyLooter
Mana Pool$248.81

A cube all about tokens! And not just creatures. Inspired by the broad token theme of Modern Horizons 2, this cube features focus on Clues, Food, and Treasure as well as creature tokens. The archetypes are:
w-u: Artifacts and evasive creature tokens
u-b: Treasure and Zombie control
b-r: Treasure and Sacrifice
r-g: Big Mana and go-wide
g-w: Big tokens and populate
w-b: Aristocrats and fliers
u-r: Treasure and spellslinger
b-g: Life gain/Food and Saprolings
r-w: Go-wide and control
g-u: Clues and token doubling

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