Core Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Core Cube
Cube ID
Art by Dan Murayama ScottArt by Dan Murayama Scott
360 Card Unpowered Modern Cube0 followers
Designed by LuckyLooter
Mana Pool$116.19

A cube comprised of only cards from core sets M10-M21. Hoping to distill Magic draft down to simple parts: Packs have one rare or mythic, one land for mana fixing, three uncommons and ten commons. The only multicolor cards are uncommon signposts. Intended to be a good place for beginners to learn about Magic and draft, as well as a balanced limited experience.

wu Fliers
ub Control
br Sacrifice
rg Lands
gw Tokens
wb Lifegain
ur Spells
bg Morbid
rw Aggro
ug Draw

LuckyLooter posted to Core Cube -

Blue doesnt really support mill that well, and it would be another rule to teach. Leaning harder into spells/fliers and enabling some early game plays.

No deck really wants to Wrath, as there isn't really a big control finisher aside from the titans. So we get a Soldier lord! Lots of those running around.

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