Contains only cards printed with an old frame. Focusing on playing games that feel like Magic did before the "modern" era, but avoiding the Old School 93/94 era. Avoiding new cards printed with old frames as I don't really think most of them fit in this environment with the exception of the enemy fetches. (I'm also currently testing the signets, but I am not sure they will stay.)
These are the most distinct and supported archetypes. You can easily just draft "good stuff" and get there so don't consider this an exhaustive list of potential decks.
x - Reanimator
Most of the cards for this are in black so that is pretty much a requirement to make this work. White has some reanimation spells and some of the best reanimate targets. Other colors could be splashed, but mostly just for more reanimate targets.
Key cards: Entomb, Reanimate, Eternal Dragon, Reya Dawnbringer, Putrid Imp
- Aggro
Grabbing lots of 1 and 2 drop creatures and red burn spells. Splashing other colors is usually a mistake for this deck.
Key cards: Savannah Lions, Jackal Pup, Lightning Bolt, Varchild's War-Riders
- Elves
All about ramping and flooding the board.
Key cards: Llanowar Elves, Elvish Champion, Priest of Titania, Overrun
- Goblins
A fast and "go wide" aggro deck. If it is starting to feel like you don't have enough cards that care about goblins consider picking up aggressive white creatures too and switching to RW aggro.
Key cards: Mogg Fanatic, Goblin King, Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Grenade
x - Control
Classic blue focused control is very easy to build in this cube. Just don't forget to pick up a way to win. Feel free to splash a color for either a threat or direct creature removal.
Key cards: Counterspell, Daze, Ertai, Wizard Adept, Control Magic
Channel + Fireball
A classic 2 card combo. Cast Channel with an available red mana and more life than your opponent and you win (just look out for counters and burn spells).
Mogg Maniac + Fire Covenant
As long as the Maniac isn't killed in response and you have more life than your opponent you can use this combo to one shot your opponent.
Upheaval/Evacuation + Psychatog
Not exactly a combo, but a quick way to end the game after bouncing the board back to hand. Pick up any fast mana or mana rocks you can. Float enough mana to play something (like the Psychatog) and bounce the board then cast your threat. Your opponent will be left with nothing in play to answer your creature.
Animate Dead + Worldgorger Dragon
Another combo that is technically 2 cards, but does require something else to utilize the infinite mana like Fireball (or an etb that can be abused like Keldon Champion). Get the dragon in your graveyard and then target it with Animate Dead. The dragon's etb will remove the enchantment (and everything else you have in play), causing the dragon to go back to the graveyard and bringing back all your other permanents; including Animate Dead which can now target the dragon again. You can keep looping this while floating mana from your lands (they come back into play untapped). Importantly you need something else in your graveyard to target with Animate Dead to stop the cycle from endlessly repeating (which would cause a draw).
Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest
Infinite squirrel tokens. Bonus if you get Fires of Yavimaya to kill on the same turn you assemble the combo.
Phyrexian Devourer + Fling or Altar of Dementia
A risky combo, but if you get the pieces you can potentially either mill your opponent out at instant speed or fling a massive Devourer at their face.
Phyrexian Dreadnought + Stifle/Vision Charm
Stifle or phase out the Dreadnought in response to it's own ETB trigger. Congratulations on your new 1 mana 12/12 trampling death machine!