Bizarro Cube 2.0
(360 Card Cube)
Bizarro Cube 2.0
Cube ID
Art by Karl KopinskiArt by Karl Kopinski
360 Card Cube5 followers
Designed by DracoFreezeFlame
Mana Pool$747.27

This cube is meant to show off a bunch of the color pie breaking cards of Magic the Gathering, while still being a fun draft format. Of course, since there are only so many broken cards, it also features cards that are on the reserved list. To go along with the theme of not being your normal cube, each color pair has an archetype not normally associated with it.
WU: Reckless Aggro
UB: Voltron
BR: Counters Control
RG: Fliers
GW: Reanimator
WB: Artifacts
BG: Toughness Matters
GU: Land Manipulation
UR: Hand Size Matters
RW: Defenders
53 White Cards
53 Blue Cards
53 Black Cards
53 Red Cards
53 Green Cards
60 Multicolored Cards, with a fetchland, dual land, and four cards for each color pair
35 Colorless Cards

Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
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