The Bento Battle Box
(192 Card Cube)
The Bento Battle Box
Cube ID
Art by Chris OstrowskiArt by Chris Ostrowski
192 Card Battle Box Set Cube27 followers
Designed by CavsFangelo
Mana Pool$342.30

The Bento Battle Box is a 192 card mini-cube set on the plane of Kamigawa. Revolving largely around cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, the Bento Battle Box is designed to recreate Neon Dynasty's limited format in singleton format and to be drafted by two to four players. Some additional cards from original Kamigawa block as well as cards from Core Sets and Modern Horizons set on Kamigawa are also included. There are also handful of custom cards (highlighted on the list view) designed by myself and @FriendyLocal to fill in holes in the format and correct for some power-level imbalances from the original retail draft format.

Oh, there's also some Godzilla promo cards because of course there are.


The Bento Battle Box is not a typical cube and has been designed to be drafted by two to four players rather than a full pod of eight. When playtesting this cube, please use the default custom draft which utilizes four packs of 12 cards each. This custom draft format will allow a smaller number of drafters to see more cards in each individual draft.

  • wb: Vehicles
  • ub: Ninja Tribal
  • br: Artifact Sacrifice
  • rg: Modification
  • gw: Enchantments Matter
  • wb: Artifacts and Enchantments Matter
  • ur: Artifacts Matter
  • bg: Graveyard Value
  • rw: Samurai Tribal
  • ug: Ramp

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