Beginner Cube
(207 Card Cube)
Beginner Cube
Art by Zara AlfonsoArt by Zara Alfonso
207 Card Unpowered Budget Legacy Cube26 followers
Designed by dnemo
Mana Pool$38.46

Based on Simplicity Cube, but this version is simpler, intended for new players.

Less text per card on average
No tokens
No counters
No searching & shuffling
No non-evergreen keywords

The following vocabulary is absent:
defender, double strike, planeswalker, protection, upkeep

Power level is low, similar to retail draft.
This means removal power level is accordingly low, and removal spells scale in power according to the size of the creature they can kill.
Card advantage opportunities are present but low powered.

Combat is the focus of gameplay.
Every color has access to instant speed tricks.

Cost to acquire the cards is so low that it wouldn't be crazy to run this cube without sleeves.

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