Snow in Pauper-Land
(540 Card Cube)
Snow in Pauper-Land
Cube ID
Art by Igor KierylukArt by Igor Kieryluk
540 Card Pauper Powered Vintage Cube4 followers
Designed by bunnybear
Mana Pool$207.54
Every basic is snow!

It's ice-cold


This cube is based upon the original @thepaupercube with additional pet cards to support the archetypes. The cube is designed so you can build the most fun decks in pauper and also includes cards that are banned in constructed pauper. It is also heavily focused on making a balanced environment where aggro should be as viable as control.

Archetype List


w - White weenie

Don’t look down on the small people. They work in numbers and with tricks up their sleeves. Show up already on turn one with a creature and start hitting, in the later stages sweep in with a buff and overwhelm your opponent’s blockers. Don’t be scared to have too many one drops, a good start is what this deck needs.

u - Tempo

Take advantage of the speed of the game, don’t let your opponent have the time to establish board presence. Bounce creatures back to your opponent’s hand, or better yet, counter them before they hit the battlefield. In the meanwhile, you keep attacking with both ground and elusive creatures making you win this game in no time!

b - Discard

Your opponent can’t do anything if they don’t have anything to do. Take control of the game by reducing your opponent’s cards in hand to zero. Survive the early game and grind your opponent out. You keep drawing cards and having the card advantage you will win in the long run. Don’t forget removal, your opponent can still top-deck a threat.

r - Burn

Face is the place is an old saying and is true for this deck. Target your opponent with spells that do damage. This deck is fast, and your path to victory is a short one. Get some creatures who help you burn your opponent’s life total even faster. Be careful of running out of gas you need some ways to get rid of your lands and refill your hand.

g - Ramp

Run ahead of the mana curve with mana-producing creatures or fetch lands from your deck. Around five mana you will start casting big threat after big threat until your opponent run out of answers and you away with the game.

w-u - Flicker

Focus around creatures with “enter the battlefield” effects. To outvalue your opponent. Draw a lot of cards, to dig through your deck and find cards that combo with each other. Don’t forget about the early game, you still need to answer all the threats before your game plan takes shape.

u-b - Removal

Nope, don't like that, don't like that either. Your plan is to stop their plan, either by efficient removals or counterspells. The perfect color pairing for the; land and pass the turn. But don't forget to have your own threats as you have to try to win some time.

b-r - Sacrifice

Unlike most decks that want to keep your creatures alive, this deck wants to sacrifice them. Sacrifice your own creatures for extra value, a. Be careful so you don’t kill off everything you have, even an aristocrat needs to have some companions.

r-g - Stompy

Big and mean-looking creatures are your best friends. If something is in your way, simply fight it or run over your enemy and don’t spare a second thought of what comes after. Put out threat after threat until your opponent run out of answers. Try to ramp and put big threats ahead of curve for the greatest attack.

g-w - +1/+1 Counters

If your opponent has bigger creatures, just make yours even bigger. Make your creatures too big for your opponents to handle, if they kill one, start building your new mutant. Establish a board presence early and make it grow tall. Your opponent won’t be able to handle it when several creatures grow too large. Don’t put too much nourishment into one tree, if that tree falls you're in bad shape.

w-b - Life

Nothing will stop you from winning, not even your own life. Use your life as a resource, and gain it back up. You’re in for the long run, slowly draining the lifeforce from your opponent to become yours. Boardstalls are your best friends so try to keep up with the board. But don’t forget to gain life, else you will drain yourself too much.

u-r - Spells matter

This deck is all about instant and sorceries. Cast your cantrips to buff your creatures and hit in for big numbers. If you can do it all in one turn this deck has the potential to 20 damage in one go. Some creatures also help to ping your opponent down for those last hitpoints that you missed. Don’t go all-in on the spells, you need a good mix of both spells and creatures.

b-g - Graveyard

Your creatures don’t really die, just bring them back to life. If you keep trading you will eventually end up on top, as you will reuse your creatures again and again. With two raise dead creatures, you never run out of creatures. Delve out big creatures and pressure your opponent. Be careful to rely on your graveyard too much, you need to put something in there first.

r-w - Attack

Speed is crucial, get out of the gate as fast as you can. Your troops will hit hard, fast. You see that blocker on your opponent's side, terrify him making him unable to block your army. Also, a tip, bring your flying steeds for that little extra.

g-u - Monsters

Ramp into monsters.

Notable Exclusions

Signets - The most notable exclusions in the cube are the signets(Simic Signet). The hardest theatre to includes in a pauper cube is aggro, if the signets were included the most powerful decks would be 3-4 color good-stuff by far. This is not the point of this cube, we want a balanced environment where every theatre is viable.

Land Destruction - While land destruction is a valid archetype in pauper with cards like Reap and Sow, Sinkhole it simply isn't going to be fun matches. This cube wants interactive and social duels.

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