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Clone of Neoclassical Cube
(400 Card Cube)
Clone of Neoclassical Cube
Art by Tom WänerstrandArt by Tom Wänerstrand
400 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Jackpuddy
Mana Pool$8052.39

Cloned from Neoclassical Cube

The Neoclassical Cube is my attempt to capture and celebrate the spirit of the early days of Magic. It is a synergistic, wide power band environment that pursues the archetypes and play patterns of pre-modern.

In the spirit of neoclassicism, I am not strictly limiting myself to cards printed in the pre-modern era. Newer printings of cards are permitted, though they must clear a high bar for inclusion, ideally calling back to a classic card. They may not:

  • Feature relatively radical mechanics, like double-face cards, the initiative, mutate, etc.
  • Use counters that did not exist in pre-modern
  • Use non-evergreen mechanics that did not exist in pre-modern
  • Reference planeswalkers
  • Be of a power level inappropriate for pre-modern Magic (as decided subjectively by me)

This cube is played unsleeved and features heavily played and damaged cards accordingly. I am currently seeking the following heavily played cards for the Cube:

If you have a lead on a suitably damaged copy of one of the above cards please email me: I am also accepting 'special' versions of any card in the cube: copies with their borders sharpied out, unique wear patterns, text scrawled on them, naive/low-effort alters, etc.

As I've explored this cube I've gotten better at identifying the broad design patterns of "old-school" Magic:

One detail of old school Magic I am trying to capture is the naïveté of the early days of Magic R&D. I want to recreate the era of Magic where absolutely egregious, broken cards were played alongside total jank.


This list is very much a work in progress.