Bant Peasant Cube

Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin

178 Card Peasant Vintage Cube

Designed by peasantcuberRSSQR Code

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This is a three color, bant cube, designed with the peasant restriction (only commons and uncommons) Slightly limited by card availability, but continually expanding.

It was designed for a limited player count experience, especially 2 player cube, with the many specifically designed 2-player draft formats available. The limiting to 3-colors means there can be more gold cards, since they are less likely to be dead cards, even with 2-players. The color combinations are bant (tokens, aggro, +1/+1 counters), azorious (blink, flyers), and simic (+1/+1 counters, ramp, 'value').

With a focus on these three color pairs, the number of gold cards can be increased dramatically. Artifacts are just a support or mana fixing, but not much of a theme.

White is the most aggressive color, but also has a good number of controlling cards (conditional exile, or value cards).

Green can be very aggressive as well (overrun, well-costed creatures, rancor etc...) but can also support the counters theme, ramp theme, and some conditional removal. Blue is the most controlling, and most varied color.

Blue is the least straightforward color to draft in this cube, featuring a variety of useful creatures, good tempo cards, handy counterspells, and draw spells. Blue has many options, but is usually just a support color for a more streamlined color.

Aggro has proven to be very successful in this cube, applying a lot of early pressure, as well as late-game reach (tokens, evasion, equipment). However mid-range/late strategies always put up a fight (blink, control etc...)

There are plenty of options for controlling the board, stalling the game, gaining life etc... But removal is not abundant, and not overwhelming, so creatures matter, and creatures stick to the board. Meaning you can draft creatures you like and hope for them to stick around.

This cube works great for small player counts, and has proven to be quite versatile, worth many replays to find out the nuances, and providing a lot of flexibility for drafters. With most cards drafted being in your colors and each card having utility, there are usually plenty of cards drafted to build a deck with, meaning deck-building can be quite challenging and fun. It's common to draft enough cards to play 2 quite different decks, making deck-building quite demanding. However a focused drafting mindset helps ensure every card drafted furthers a certain goal.