White Border Battleground
(603 Card Cube)
White Border Battleground
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
603 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by clayHead
Mana Pool$254.94

Cube with these main goals:

  • A cube where Serra Angel and Shivan Dragon are the top of the creature power scale
  • A budget cube played unsleeved (white border ftw!)
  • A cube whose format is sealed and can be played as a league over a couple of weeks.
  • Support a wide variety of pod sizes
  • No token or counter use
  • Minimal shuffling
  • All cards are white border but without the old framing

The idea is everyone gets a standard sealed pool (90 cards - 6 x 15), and builds a deck. Each player also gets 10 points (represented by chips). A player may play any amount of games in a given sub time period, betting any amount of chips in each game (min 1). Players shuffle, cut, and then ante the top card of their deck. Ante cards are not in any zone and cannot be interacted with. The winning player keeps both ante cards, and any chips bet. Each player can trade up to 3 cards with each other player sub time period. The player with the most chips at the end of the agreed upon play period wins.

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