3 packs of 20 to each drafter.
2 picks at a time.
All mono-colored legendary creatures may partner with any other mono-colored legendary creature.
General Archetypes
Azorious: Card draw. Things that care about drawing cards, things happen when you draw. Just keep drawing your deck and hope you don't deck yourself.
Boros: Aggro. Hit people in the face. Get things when you attack or cause damage. Turn your stuff sideways.
Dimir: Just steal everything. Take from graveyards, take from the board, counter spells and then take them for yourself. Clone things and then kill the target. Theft is love, theft is life.
Golgari: Self/mill reanimate. Dump your library in the graveyard and bring the horrifying things back. Or your opponents. Don't be picky.
Gruul: POWER. Get your stuff big, then punch people. Stuff happens when you do.
Izzet: Spellslinger. Cast all the instants and sorceries. Get stuff when you do.
Orzhov: Aristocrats. Make things, sacrifice them. Make everyone suffer for it.
Rakdos: Pain. Cause it. To you, to your opponents. Whatever you need.
Selesnya: Go wide tokens. Fill the board with your creatures. You cannot go wide enough.
Simic: BIG MANA. Get mana rocks and dorks. Ramp your way to victory and hilarious creatures.