Gwen's Bar Battler
(229 Card Cube)
Gwen's Bar Battler
Cube ID
Art by Zoltan BorosArt by Zoltan Boros
229 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by dekkerglen
Mana Pool$3248.40
wubrg Bar Battles wubrg

This is a 4 player game mode inspired by the autobattler and roguelike genres. Interesting in joining the conversation? We have a discord to workshop the format here.

This is variation of the formula meant to be for four players, and additionally eschews counters and tokens for a more streamlined experience.

mm General Rules mm
  1. This game is for exactly four players only
  2. The game is broken into rounds. Each round has a counter associated with it. The first round counter is 3, and it increments by 1 after each round is over.
  3. Everybody starts with 30 HP.
  4. Each player has two zones for their cards: their hand and their sideboard. Their hand size is equal to the round counter. The sideboard is always of size 9.
  5. Treasures are the unit of economy in the game
  6. Treasures generated during a fight remain in play during fights, and can be used normally, but unused treasures get added to the player's pool at the end of the fight, limited to at most five treasaures
  7. Players cannot concede fights. They may say "you win from here" but must allow their opponent to play out their hand
  8. If both players refuse to end a fight, or one player cannot win but the other player refuses to end the game, a draw is forced
mm Setup mm c Opening Carousel c

Each player receives a treasure and two random cards, then players do a Rochester draft with a pack of eight cards in a snake draft manner.

c Selecting Basic Lands c

Each player selects any three basic lands as their starting lands. Players will never get more than three basics, but can exchange them later for a cost.

mm Gameplay Loop mm

Once players are setup, they run through the following loop until all but one player has lost all their hit points.

  1. Three matches, each broken into the following steps
    1. Draft
    2. Prepare
    3. Matchmake
    4. Fight
    5. Income
  2. Carousel
c Match c Draft

Each player "rolls a pack". Which means they take five cards, and are allowed to pick one for free. They can also take a few other actions:

  • Pay a treasure to take an additional card from the pack
  • Pay a treasure to "roll a new pack"
  • Pay a treasure to swap out a basic for a different basic
  • Trash two cards from their collection to gain a treasure

These actions can be taken any number of times, and in any order.


Each player selects cards from their pool equal to the round counter. Those cards will be that players hand for the following fight.


Shuffle the four player cards, and deal them into two pairs. Those are the matchups the following fight.


The player with the lower hit points goes first. Players play a normal game of magic except they don't have a library, and they do not draw a card during their draw phase. Each player starts at ten life.

Any treasure that is still on the board by the end of the game is kept by that player. At the end of the game, the loser takes damage equal to the round counter plus the number of cards in the losing player's hand. If the game is a draw, both players take only 1 damage instead.


All players gain a treasure, and then gain an additional treasure for each five treasures they have, up to three.

c Carousel c

If any player is on a streak (3 wins or 3 losses), they get an additional treasure.

Increment the round counter (increasing player hand size and player damage).

Deal out a pack of eight cards. In reverse hit point order (lowest first), each player takes a single card.

mm Ending the Game mm

If one player has "died", their placement is locked in but they keep playing. If there are only two players "alive", they will be the only players of this round. This way everybody can still play until the end of the game, but dead players don't have an affect on the outcome of top2 and it becomes a spectacle to watch.

mm Augments (optional) mm

There is an optional list of conspiracies/heros/emblems. If opted in, after each carousel, randomly select one of Black, Silver, Gold. Shuffle all of the chosen sleeve color, and deal five to each player. They choose one to keep.

These cards don't take up slots in your hand, and always start in play. They do not count towards any limits.

Augment list can be found here.

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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