Aurum Is Latin For Gold
(540 Card Cube)
Aurum Is Latin For Gold
Cube ID
Art by Ryan PancoastArt by Ryan Pancoast
540 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by Fishdagaii
Mana Pool$930.25

This cube borrows the idea of starting the game with a Pillar of the Paruns on the battlefield from the Reading Rainbow cube ( ), allowing for players to not be as concerned with mana fixing.

Draft Archetypes

wu Flyers

Fly over your opponent's defences to chip in for damage they can't stop.
Works really well in wub too

wu Blink And You'll Miss It

Control the battlefield with overwhelming value from repeated ETB triggers.
Why do something once when you can do it over and over again?

ub What's Yours Is Mine

Like what your opponent is playing? Why not play that too!

br Sacrifice Aggro

An aggressive package with lots sacrifice payoffs.
Works well in wbr if you wanna focus more on aggro
or brg to focus more on sac value.

rg Lands Matter

Generate value by playing more and more lands.
Works in brg for some lands in the graveyard shenanigans
or urg to pump out big creatures.

rg Big Bois

Utilize lots of mana dorks in order to get early big threats.
Works well in wrg for more big bois

gw +1/+1 Counters

Your creatures may start out small, but they won't stay that way for long, and you'll be certain to get some
+1/+1 counter payoffs along the way

gw Go Wide

Amass an army of tokens to overwhelm your foe. Splash into wbg for more token generation and sacrifice value

wb Reanimator

Make your best Herbert West impression and bring back some creatures from the dead!
Pairs well with bg to get more cards in your graveyard

wb Aristocrats

Give your opponent a death by a 1000 cuts by sacrificing the many tokens you create.
Pairs well with gw for more token generation or with br for more sacrifice value

ur SpellSlinger

Cast many cheap spells and draw lots of cards to accrue value over time.
Pairs well with rw for some more aggressive cheap spells or with ub for some spell recursion

bg Graveyard Matters/Self Mill

Who needs stuff on the battlefield when you can just put it directly into the graveyard and benefit even more from it

wr Aggressive Beatdown

Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast. This strategy relies on getting out lots of early threats to try and overwhelm your opponent before they have time to respond.

rw Midrange Burn/Lifegain

Who knew that Boros could go for a burn plan?
Cast spells that gain you life and hit your opponents in the face.
Pairs well with ur or wu for some spell shenanigans in wur

ug Copy Cats

Like the creature you're playing? What if you could play it again? And again? How about one more time?

gu Ramp

Ramp into big creatures ASAP.
Pairs well with rg for more ramp/big bois/lands-matter

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