(420 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Carl CritchlowArt by Carl Critchlow
420 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Dafra
Mana Pool$1023.97

This is a cube based on the Mirrodin plane with some cards from other editions to support the main archetypes.


Green / Black (Golgari): Infect
Green / Red (Grull): Stompy Aggro
Green / White (Selesnya): Aggro
Green / Blue (Simic): Infect with proliferate
Red / Black (Rakdos): Sacrifice
Red / Blue (Izzet): Affinity
Red / White (Boros): Equipment
White / Blue (Azorious): Golem Tokens and Artefact Aggro
White / Black (Orzhov): Midrange
Black / Blue (Dimir): Control


Tooth and Nail targets:
• Blightsteel Colossus + Urabrask the Hidden
• Platinum Angel + Indomitable Archangel
• Platinum Emperion + Indomitable Archangel
• Mephidross Vampire + Triskelion = Infinite Damage to creatures

Atog + Fling

Megatog + Fling

All Will Be One + Talon of Pain + Source of Damage = Infinite Damage

KCI + Mox Opal + Myr Retriever + Scrap Trawler + Any 1 or 0 mana Artefact = Infinite Mana

KCI + Mox Opal + Myr Retriever + Scrap Trawler + Terrarion + Terrarion or Chromatic Star= Infinite Mana + Infinite Draw

KCI + Mox Opal + Myr Retriever + Scrap Trawler + Terrarion + Terrarion or Chromatic Star + Fireball in the Deck= Infinite Mana + Infinite Draw + Infinite Damage

KCI + Mox Opal + Myr Retriever + Scrap Trawler + Terrarion + Pyrite Spellbomb= Infinite Mana + Infinite Damage

All will be one + Talon of pain + Damage source = Inf Damage

Mindslaver + Academy ruins + 9 Mana = Inf turn control

Anchor of Reality + Kaldra complete or Batterskull = Cheat Big Living Weapon

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