Cube V.7
(450 Card Cube)
Cube V.7
Cube ID
Art by Mitchell MalloyArt by Mitchell Malloy
450 Card Unpowered Budget Modern Cube3 followers
Designed by Thamagis
Mana Pool$309.19

Cube goals:This cube was designed to offer a high-variety draft experience with archetypes being defined more by subtle card
interactions than standout, build-around-me-to-win signpost cards. The multicolored inclusions for each color pair are chosen in a
way that picking one does not automatically make all other auto-picks in the future. The cube contains no planeswalkers and is
heavily creature-focused with multiple incentives to fight for board presence. Removal is more scarce, slightly less efficient and
slightly more costly to use than usual. It was made with budget being a factor and as such it is a fairly low-powered environment,
which in a way allows for some seldom played cards to find their home here.
Jumpstart tba:Lightning Phoenix

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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