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Andrew Masters Redux Revamped Set Cube
(531 Card Cube)
Andrew Masters Redux Revamped Set Cube
Cube ID
Art by Will GistArt by Will Gist
531 Card Set Cube2 followers
Designed by Pseudotriangle
Mana Pool$351.41

Welcome to Andrew Masters Redux Revamped!

This is the draftable cube of the set! To go to the undraftable skeleton, click here!

This is a set I made back in 2015, I've returned and with a different set building perspective and newer mechanics in hand I'm trying again to make an idea into a fun and interactive limited environment. As this is meant to simulate a true limited experience, there are 4 of each common card, 2 of each uncommon, and 1 of each rare and mythic in the cube. The packs themselves are sorted into 11 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare/mythic, like how a real set would have their packs constructed.

There are three main themes in this set: Tapping/Untapping, +1/+1 Counters, and Artifacts. All the archetypes in this set stem from these themes. Players will find themselves building up their board states in order to go wide with tokens or go tall with Devour, trying to generate value by tapping or untapping their creatures, using artifacts to their advantage, or attempting to push through damage with the Innistrad vampires and +1/+1 Counters.

The set has been made to feel somewhat fast, but very interactable in terms of power and speed, somewhat durdley but with aggro decks available for those who want to go fast. The rares were selected to be strong, but answerable. The mythics were selected to be splashy, dramatic effects that impose a similarly dramatic deck building cost. This means that the set will rely more on the synergy of the commons and uncommons, rather than the "bombiness" of the higher rarity cards. The archetypes have been designed to be easily pivoted into and out of, with overlap between different strategies. The archetypes in the set are listed below.




These colors lean the hardest into the artifact synergies available in the set, and offers freedom in how it can be built as either an aggro deck or a control deck. In either case, Aerial Engineer is a great on rate creature that can be used as a finisher in a slower deck, or an on curve threat in an aggro deck.


Inspired Midrange/Control

A slower deck that looks to control the board with removal, and generate value by tapping its creatures with inspired. Siren of the Silent Song offers some of the best value for untapping, and it has access to some of the best removal in the set with Mob and Rathi Trapper.



A very aggressive tribal deck designed to be easy to see in draft, this is the deck that is looking to be on the attack the most. The deck needs to hit the opponent in order for its payoffs to work, it will look to use cards like Run Amok and Untamed Hunger to give its creatures evasion. While the deck can be risky to pilot, it is a relatively simple game plan, and can be easily understood and built by someone new to the set.


+1/+1 Counters

An aggressive deck that will out-stat its opponents with counters and then use various payoffs to end the game. Invigorating Hot Spring is an excellent removal spell that also gives counters to your creatures, and Tuskguard Captain gives them trample to go over the top of small critters. The vampires from Innistrad, Bloodcrazed Neonate and Havengul Vampire also work in this deck, as they give themselves counters when the connect with the opponent.



This deck creates a lot of creatures and creature tokens and uses them to convoke spells like Overwhelm and Siege Wurm. Inspired Charge is also available as a finisher for this deck. Emmara, Soul of the Accord is a powerful payoff for this deck, as it synergizes with convoke and many other tapping and untapping spells in the set.



A slow, synergistic deck looking to outlast its opponents by gaining life. The main payoffs, Vizkopa Guildmage, Sanguine Bond, and Bloodthirsty Aerialist, reward the deck for gaining a lot of life, and the former two drain the opponent. The deck thrives by creating a lot of creatures, then using cards like Conclave Phalanx to drain a lot of life at once. Alternatively, the deck can use its life to pay for the various effects available in the set, like with Shadowcloak Vampire.



A deck that wants to go wide with small creatures, then devour them to create one large creature. The deck wants cards like Tuskguard Captain and Enlarge in order to trample over the opponent's blockers. Alternatively, the deck can simply be built to go wide with its many token creatures, and distribute counters among them, using Overwhelm as a finisher.


Inspired Midrange/Ramp

A midrange strategy seeking to get value from tapping and untapping its creatures, but unlike Blue/Black it trades off some powerful removal for better creatures. It's less of a defined archetype than Vampires, however it's a more flexible deck, one that can attack a slower opponent and defend against a faster one.


Inspired Tempo/Artifact Tempo

A value focused archetype which uses both the inspired synergies and artifact synergies in the set. This archetype can make the best use out of Moonfolk Puzzlemaker, especially with Quicksilver Dagger. It aims to generate card advantage over time, through the use of removal and draw engines, then kill the opponent with a flying creature.


Tapped Aggro/Artifact Aggro

A fast paced strategy that wants to use the value gained either by tapping its creature or utilizing artifact synergies in order to overwhelm the opponent and kill them quickly. It's susceptible to removal, and thus wants cards such as Ephemeral Shields and Run Amok in order to protects its attackers and trample over small blockers. Spireside Infiltrator is a strong card in this deck, as the deck provides many ways to easily tap its creatures, either through vehicles for convoke effects.

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