Ed's Peasant Cube
(420 Card Cube)
Ed's Peasant Cube
Cube ID
Art by Alex Horley-OrlandelliArt by Alex Horley-Orlandelli
420 Card Peasant Vintage Cube5 followers
Designed by k0r3an

General Information
420 card peasant cube

Card Pool
All cards legal in the vintage constructed format that were ever printed in paper at uncommon or common rarities are potentially playable and may be included. A rarity exception is made for certain lower-power color-fixing lands, which may have been printed at rare.

Bans/Stipulations (subject to change):

With the exception of certain color-fixing lands, all unique cards in the cube are singleton (single copies only)

Color Balance
Even balance between all single colors and two-color guilds
Cards with 3 or more color requirements in their casting costs are purposefully excluded from the regular card pool

Shuffling & Pack Selection
Drafted packs are entirely randomized and are not seeded for specific colors/ratios
Assuming standard 15-card packs, they are put together as follows:

1. Color-sorted piles are shuffled together into 4 piles:
w + u
b + r
g + m
c + Lands

2. Each pile is divided into 4 even piles, then shuffled again into 8 piles:
wu + br
gm + c/Lands

3. Each shuffled pile is divided into 2 even piles, then shuffled again into 8 piles:
wubr + gmc/Lands

4. Each pile of cards is shuffled for further randomization, then divided into the draft packs

Basic Lands
w 50x Plains, 8ED 332
u 50x Island, 8ED 335
b 50x Swamp, 8ED 341
r 50x Mountain, 8ED 346
g 50x Forest, 8ED 349

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