The Emerging Cube 芙蓉出水 [CubeCon Version]
(450 Card Cube)
The Emerging Cube 芙蓉出水 [CubeCon Version]
Cube ID
Art by Ben ThompsonArt by Ben Thompson
450 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Kapernaumov
Mana Pool$8498.37
The Emerging Cube


Xie's verses are as a lotus emerging from water, and Yan's are like inlaid filigree


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is a (mostly unpowered) vintage cube, that serves as a museum of Magic while replicating the power level, play patterns, and archetypes of vintage cube circa 2017. It features the classic vintage cube archetypes against a backdrop of altered cards, artist proofs, artist-signed cards, or premium treatments (foils, promos, Secret Lairs, etc.) This makes drafting the Emerging Cube a unique aesthetic experience.

About the Cube

This is a (mostly unpowered) vintage cube, that serves as a museum of Magic while replicating the power level, play patterns, and archetypes of vintage cube circa 2017 (while it includes more recently printed cards, it aims to capture the vibe of that era). It's also the cube that got me into Cube! Originally modeled off of the current version of "Ben's Cube" designed by CubeTutor founder Ben circa 2017, it has gradually morphed into my own creation, eschewing cards that feel unbeatable, lead to lines of play I find uninteresting, or have a skewed ratio between how complex and how interesting they are, as well as cards that might outclass certain pet cards that I'd like to remain competitive. I continue to work toward my goal of completely blinging the cube out, particularly with amazing alters by actual artists, some amateur alters of my own, artist proofs, and artist- or designer-signed cards.

Strategies and Archetypes

Primary strategies supported in the Cube are focused in the following colors:

Aggro: w, r
Control: u, b, w
Focused Archetypes/Combos: See below

There are also a number of focused archetypes or explicit combos supported in the following colors:

Ramp: g, or with artifacts
Reanimator: b, with support in u and g
Spellslinger: u and r
Splinter Twin/Kiki-Jiki: r, with enablers in u and w
Sneak: r, with chonky bois in all colors
Self-deck: u and b
Lands: g, with support across 5 colors
Artifacts: u

Other Notes
  • The Cube contains one Conspiracy card, Cogwork Librarian.
  • The Cube contains no Planeswalkers, Battles, or cards that Enter the Dungeon or give a player the Initiative
The Emerging Cube as an Aesthetic Experience

My ultimate objective is that every card in the Emerging Cube be "blinged out"--a goal that I'm approximately 50% of the way to achieving. Currently, the cube is about 10% artist-signed, 15% altered, and 20% "premium" in one way or another (unique promos, Secret Lairs, etc.) The long term goal is to fill in the other 50% with more alters and artist proofs--the cube already showcases a variety of styles:

Artist proofs with unique art on the backs

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Alters inspired by famous art

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Alters inspired by popular culture

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Whimsical alters

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Abstract alters

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Alters that are personally meaningful

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And lots more!

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