All-Terrain Battlebox
Cube ID
Art by Jesper Ejsing
A beginner-focused, sleeveless, low-complexity, no-hassle battlebox.
Deck is split in two before the game begins. None of this shared-library nonsense.
- No tokens
- No counters
- Nothing pricey
- Minimal interaction with non-battlefield zones
Design goals:
- Serviceable as a first-time Magic experience
- Reminder text as often as possible
- Complexity is emergent from statlines, creature keywords, and creature combat
- Vanilla 3/2 for 3-mv with slight upside as baseline stats
- "Cool factor" doesn't come from power level, but from art and flavor
card availability
landofMordor posted to All-Terrain Battlebox -
Mainboard Changelist+3, -3
Mainboard Changelist
+3, -3