I've become increasingly interested in Alara block. These 3 sets seem so flavorful, and indeed have stuck with us (more or less) as the iconic representations of those 3-color "shards". And yet, Alara for some reason ranks prohibitively high on the Rabiah Scale (apparently the resolution of its storyline, a strange Vorthos capitulation for Hasbro's WotC).
So, to Return to Alara, a Bar Cube out of the card-pool from that block. Let's talk about the amazing flavor on the cards--a high tide for art and card frames, as well as an enduring example of how talented WotC can be at creating a proprietary fantasy plane from scratch--and play some multicolor Magic.
To get down toward a 180-card Twobert, I was more ruthless in my definition of "invisible tracking", sending to the maybeboard all static effects and non-enters or combat triggered effects I could; and I outright removed all graveyard-matters cards.