Time Spiral Rewind (by NovaCarolNathan)
(540 Card Cube)
Time Spiral Rewind (by NovaCarolNathan)
Cube ID
Art by Zoltan Boros & Gabor SzikszaiArt by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
540 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Kanoe4789
Mana Pool$244.76

(This is my first time creating a draft cube and it's a very rough draft. Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!)

This is a variation on the set cube concept that combines Time Spiral with Planar Chaos and Future Sight. The goal is to create a cohesive experience that as closely as possible recreates the feel of playing a draft during the original block.

The build looked to Time Spiral Remastered for inspiration, first narrowing it down to a smaller card pool and then making heavy alterations:

Slivers are condensed into only three colors (white, red, and green) to make them easier to build effectively with the fewer options for mana fixing available compared to constructed.

The card pool for each color is tweaked to more directly emphasize the core mechanics assigned to them by this block (determined based on the block's theme decks and on which keywords are the most common): white is focused on Flanking and the Rebel creature type, blue on Morph with a lesser emphasis on Shadow, black is Madness and complementary discard outlets, red has every suitable Storm card, and green is heavy with Thallids.

Some card slots have remained external to these archetypes both to give representations to the block's unique mechanics like Suspend and returning mechanics like Echo, and to allow for splashing. Additionally, the Totem cycle is restored to increase the availability of mana ramp.

The rare slots are distributed as follows:

  • Six multicolored legendary creatures from the block are included to encourage two-color decks. (Stonebrow is not included because his color combination is redundant with Radha's, nor is Mishra due to his poor performance in a draft format, nor are any of the legendary dragon cycle from Planar Chaos to discourage three-color decks);
  • Three colorless artifacts iconic to the block that can theoretically be added to any deck;
  • Two Slivers, one each in white and green (the block's only rare red Sliver ties into black so is excluded);
  • Twenty-five mono-colored cards, five per color. Each color has the following five slots:
  1. An iconic legendary creature (ex. Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir),
  2. The color's entry in the Suspend cycle (ex. Wheel of Fate),
  3. A card that fits with the color's primary archetype (ex. Demonic Collusion as a discard outlet for Madness),
  4. A generic powerful card (ex. Magus of the Future).
  5. A "wild card" slot that may or may not fit with the color's archetype (ex. Ixidron to complement Morph vs. Heartwood Storyteller as an interesting build-around)

Includes 3 copies of each common card*, 2 of each uncommon card, and 1 of each rare and timeshifted card.

Pact of Negation, Damnation, and Tarmogoyf can be included (replacing Magus of the Future, Tombstalker, and Timbermare, respectively) if you so choose and your budget allows.

Cube is sized at 540 to match a booster box. When creating packs for drafting, allocate 15 cards to each based on rarity: 10 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare, 1 timeshifted. In the case of cards reprinted in different rarities, always use the rarity of the Time Spiral block printing.

*There are 3 additional copies of Terramorphic Expanse, for a total of 6.