This is a 450-card modern-legal cube inspired by and consisting of many cards and archetypes present in War of the Spark.
The cube is meant to be drafted in standardized packs of 15 cards consisting of 10 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare/mythic, and 1
Set in The City of Guilds – supported archetypes tend toward two-color pairs:
Dimir Zombie Control – Slowly “amass” a horde of zombies. Look out for graveyard synergies to grow your army beyond control and
grind to a victory.
Rakdos Sacrifice Aggro – Aggressively sacrifice your creatures and your opponents for value. You may find goblin synergies as well
to fuel your strategy.
Gruul Ferocious Stompy – Curving out with big dinosaurs will allow you to take over games early, and fight spells will clear out
any pesky blockers.
Selesnya Go-Wide Tokens – Take over the board with creatures, and find different ways to benefit from them or pump them all up
with counters.
Azorius Blink Control– Build up your defenses and gain the advantage by re-buying your enter the battlefield effects until the
late-game is yours.
Izzet Spells Matter – Tempo them out with an early beater or go into the late game with card advantage, either way spell synergies
will lead you to a victory.
Simic Proliferate Midrange – Grow your creatures or planeswalkers beyond the reach of your opponents by proliferating and gaining
value on the way.
Golgari Saprolings Ramp – Take on an attrition battle with the help of a saproling swarm, and look out for ways to splash and ramp
into late-game threats to end the game.
Orzhov Artifact Sacrifice – Go wide then out-grind by squeezing value out of each token and artifact you generate until you’ve
drained all of your opponent’s resources.
Boros Heroic Aggro – Build up a hero quickly to take over the game before your opponent can react. Look for ways to use other
creatures to push through your final points of damage.
5-Color Gates Ramp – With gate payoffs in many colors, any combination of guilds can lead you towards a gates-matter deck. Splash
all the best late-game spells in the cube.
Look out for other build-around cards that could steer you into a unique deck that your opponents may not know how to handle.
There are plenty of synergies throughout all color combinations in the cube to allow you to draft whatever deck you see fit. Just
know this: Although based on a standard-legal set, you will find that these decks will be more powerful than traditional WAR draft
decks, and you will rarely be light on playable cards, so find your lane or more streamlined decks will take you out!
In the cube there are 450 cards with an even 67 cards of each color, 65 gold cards, and 50 colorless cards (including lands).
By rarity, there are 240 commons, 120 uncommons, 50 rares, 16 mythics, and 24 lands.
However, since it is intended to be drafted in standardized packs, the probability of seeing any given card is not equal across
rarities as they are in an average singleton cube.
In an 8-person draft, all commons in the cube will be seen, but only 60% of uncommons, 40% of rares, and 25% of mythic rares. This
makes for a more unpredictable draft experience, while allowing for consistency in archetype support at lower rarities.