(Just Updated with Baldur's Gate cards. Added more dragons, the 2-and-3 color legends, adventure and take the initiative cards, as well as swapping in the invokers and paring down some 3-ofs. Gates swapped in for jumpstart lands, etc.)
Curated Set cube for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms+ AFCommander+ Baldur's Gate 3 + special D&D cards from UN and Heroes
Emphasis on classes and archetypes, support for 5c dragons
77 each monocolor: 57 common/uncommon, 20 rare/mythic (some common/uncommon duplicates)
79 multicolor: 2xeach uncommon, 2xclasses, + singletons + smoothing
29 colorless
47 lands (4xevow, 3xthriving gates, 1xaubur duals)