This is simply a reproduction of Ben’s Cube from Cubetutor. His Cube and all of the data maybe lost to the eons of time, however
hopefully it remains. I did not make this cube it was his masterpiece, nor did he ask me to do this, I’m just a fan of the old
site and I wished to share his cube. Ben’s cube was initially based on MTGO vintage cubes.
The paper draft is a great walk down Magic’s history and supports many different archetypes including storm…Yes, I know, gross,
however we all have our own daemons to face. Speaking of daemons, there is a slight zombie tribal that suits black’s play style.
The draft style is ‘vanilla’ and I don't use that in a derogatory fashion, it means that the colours are pure and behave in the
way they are supposed to. It allows players to draft colours with allied and enemy pairs synergising well. It is an expression of
freedom to draft this cube, ‘as Richard Garfield intended the game to be played…’
I have updated a few cards, however this is more of a frozen cube and works really well as is. I have included W6 for strip mine
shenanigans and yes OKO is in the cube… Good luck to you all.
Thank you Ben (including Cubetutor) and thank you Cube Cobra for providing a platform for intelligent MTG players to share their
wonderful cubes.
Kind regards and happy drafting,