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Dragons and Gods!
(395 Card Cube)
Dragons and Gods!
Art by Olivier BernardArt by Olivier Bernard
395 Card Unpowered Budget Legacy+ Cube2 followers
Designed by heningergaming
Mana Pool$643.63

The goal of this cube is to play a lot of the cool cards that cannot fit into my other cube, also the cool cards that got cut from my other cube because they are not strong enough. I want almost zero overlap between the two cubes. My goal was to be able to play the big cool 4/5/6+ drops (dragons / Gods). No combo's, no fast mana, no ultra effecient: counters / removal / wraths / tutors. The only indestructible is the gods, and there will be little to no hexproof/shroud/protection, as to encourage interaction. We will enlarge this cube as time goes on. I plan on removing power outliers as needed to keep it fun.

Mainboard Changelist+0, -0
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